I find myself writing this blog with much peace.... and I am wondering why. It was announced a couple of days ago that there was going to be a HUGE change in Ethiopian adoptions. This news in itself was a huge shock because of the stable reputation Ethiopia has with the "adoption" world. The organization MOWA, who must write a letter of recommendation for every family in order to pass court (in Ethiopia) , announced plans to drastically cut the number of letters it writes each day leading to potential 90% reduction in the number of adoptions. The country could go from 4,000 yearly adoptions to less that 500 a year. This would affect ALL families waiting to adopt from the country ... making their wait times possibly go from months to years and even then it is possible the country could close all access to their children. SO that is why I am left wondering WHY I am at peace?? This process has taken our family to all different levels of panic and emotions. Most of the time because we could not fathom how we could ever raise the money to adopt.....NEVER thinking for a second that the issue would be we would not be able to bring our child home from where we felt God leading us.
With much prayer and SURRENDERING to our Lord we have had the "panic" of how we would pay lifted from us....knowing that it was ALL in HIS hands anyway. And so these last couple of weeks have been good and peaceful. We have been plugging along...believing...praying....hoping....dreaming......getting really excited to meet our Ethiopian baby. AND NOW this news hits..... and YET still there is peace in our home.
I KNOW that peace in trial only comes from God but there is a part of me that is wondering "Am I in denial???" Shouldn't I be looking into what countries ARE doing well, without turmoil???? ..Is this a sign that we are NOT supposed to adopt from Ethiopia?" But for now we remain STEADFAST in our waiting.....knowing God knew this was going to happen from the very beginning.....I fight against looking into a "plan B"..... I fight against my flesh from losing hope and being DEVASTATED....
If you happen to be reading this and are a person of prayer...I would beg you to pray for this situation in Ethiopia. Not only would it keep potential families from ever adopting the thousands of orphans in that country BUT it factually means that more in more children will die in the orphanages....the wait would be too long for many to survive. The fact is even getting a "healthy" child from there means you are getting a little one with malnourishment and delays....They truly need mommies and daddies to come and rescue them.........pray.
But for now I will continue to pray...hope...believe...and dream.... WAITING on HIM to show us what to do next. May HE receive ALL the glory in ALL that we do and may HIS will be done. I am thankful for this inexplainable peace HE has graciously put on us SO I refuse to try and make "sense" of it.... I pray that is remains as we wait for what happens next in this long journey to bring our babies home..
With much love,